ข้อมูลประกอบการบรรยายจาก WUNCA33– Microsoft Azure IoT Services

ข้อมูลจาการบรรยาย “ Bringing the Internet of Things to life with Microsoft Azure IoT Services “  – 14-July-2016


Case study  จาก ThyssenKrupp Elevators

* https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/server-cloud/customer-stories/thyssen-krupp-elevator.aspx

Sample  Project ที่พัฒนาด้วย Windows 10 IoT Core

* https://microsoft.hackster.io/en-US


* Build 2016 IoT Code Labs
* Thinglabs.io

Azure for Research Training Materials

Azure for Research Training Materials

Reference Resource  จาก demo ระหว่างการบรรยาย :

* https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/iot-suite-getstarted-preconfigured-solutions/
* https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/iot-suite-guidance-on-customizing-preconfigured-solutions/
* https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/iot-suite-logic-apps-tutorial/
* The source code for the preconfigured solutions ( remote monitoring ) is available on GitHub

Resource for Developer

* Introduction to Azure IoT Suite and IoT Hub for developers
* Developer’s Guide to Connecting Devices to Azure IoT
* Visual Studio Dev Essentials : Free tools, cloud services, and training
