Deploy software infrastructure with Bicep ( more details can be found from
// based on RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=23ExampleRG=23ExampleRG az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=23ExampleRG --location "eastasia" az deployment group create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=23ExampleRG --template-file 01-main-web-app-sqldb.bicep --parameters sqlAdministratorLogin='azuresqladmin' sqlAdministratorLoginPassword='MYSECRTEPASSWORD' location='eastasia'
Deploy sample ASP.NET Core Application to App Service with VS code
# # git clone cd msdocs-app-service-sqldb-dotnetcore dotnet build . dotnet publish -c Release #Right-click on the generated publish folder in the Visual Studio Code explorer and #select Deploy to Web App.
Update database connection string and create database table with entity framework core
APP_SERVICE_NAME=websiteacoss37fw5new RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=23ExampleRG SQL_SERVER_NAME=sqlserverRANDOM az sql db show-connection-string \ --client \ --name sampledb \ --server $ az webapp config connection-string set \ -g $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \ -n $APP_SERVICE_NAME \ -t SQLServer \ --settings MyDbConnection="Server=tcp:$,1433;Database=sampledb;User ID=azuresqladmin;Password='MYSECRETPASSWORD';Encrypt=true;Connection Timeout=30;" # az sql server firewall-rule create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --server $ --name LocalAccess --start-ip-address <your-ip> --end-ip-address <your-ip> # Change database connection string in "appsettings.json" #"ConnectionStrings": { # "MyDbConnection": "Server=tcp:$,1433; # Initial Catalog=sampledb; # Persist Security Info=False; # User ID=azuresqladmin;Password=MYSECRETPASSWORD; # Encrypt=True; # TrustServerCertificate=False;" # } # create database table in target database dotnet tool install -g dotnet-ef dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreat --project DotNetCoreSqlDb dotnet ef database update --project DotNetCoreSqlDb
Access web app logs and delete resources group
az webapp log config \ --web-server-logging 'filesystem' \ --name $APP_SERVICE_NAME \ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME az webapp log tail \ --name $APP_SERVICE_NAME \ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME