MVA Teaser from RU
Funny Ballet
Funny Ballet
OneNote class notebooks
OneNote class notebooks See Also:http://blogs.office.com/2014/10/07/introducing-onenote-class-notebooks-flexible-digital-framework-teaching-learning/
Child of the 90s
Child of the 90s
Architecture blueprints
Architecture blueprints http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/architecture-overview/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/dn630664 See Also; Tools for Building Professional Cloud Architecture Diagrams
Teaching our kids through a beautiful image of the day
We can take 10 minutes every day with kids to explore the web through a big, beautiful image of the day. To help promote digital literacy and critical thinking in fun, short activities that align with the common core. http://www.pil-network.com/search/bing
2-D Animation Software
Looking for 2-D Animation software: http://www.sparkol.com/ ( http://www.videoscribe.co/scribes ) Sample https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESj91NwIraY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqLKIMvmfFU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDtmgBMuX_Q See Also: http://bikkimalla.com.np/best-free-2d-animation-software-for-window/ http://scratch.mit.edu/
Windows 10 hotkeys
Video – ThyssenKrupp Uses Predictive Analytics to Give Burgeoning Cities a Lift
ThyssenKrupp Uses Predictive Analytics to Give Burgeoning Cities a Lift Details: http://blogs.technet.com/b/machinelearning/archive/2014/09/30/thyssenkrupp-uses-predictive-analytics-to-give-burgeoning-cities-a-lift.aspx
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