DevOps: Azure DevOps Release Gate (Query work items, SonarQube, Azure monitor)

A Sample of “Azure DevOps Release Gate ” the Gates with the following items

  • Query work items: Query Active Bug
  • SonarQube: ” Invoke REST API: POST”
  • Azure monitor: Azure monitor Alert

Software infra:

Based on ” Controlling Deployments using Release Gates | Azure DevOps Hands-on-Labs ( ” and ” Managing technical debt with SonarQube and Azure DevOps | Azure DevOps Hands-on-Labs (

  • 2 Web app for sample canary and production
  • sonarqube in Azure Container Instance

az group create -n $AprRG -l eastasia
az appservice plan create -g $AprRG -n MyPlan --sku S1
az webapp create -g $AprRG -p MyPlan -n "PartsUnlimited-$RNUMBER-Canary"
az webapp create -g $AprRG -p MyPlan -n "PartsUnlimited-$RNUMBER-Prod"

RG_ID=$(az group create --name $AprRG  --location "eastasia" --query "id" --output tsv)
PASSWORD=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --role contributor --scopes $RG_ID --query "password" --output tsv)
USER_NAME=$(az ad sp list --display-name $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --query "[].appId" --output tsv)

az container create -g $AprRG --name sonarqubeaci180422 --image sonarqube --ports 9000 --dns-name-label mysonarqube200422 --cpu 2 --memory 3.5

#curl -u ea---fe:

Hint: Azure DevOps Release Gate with Azure DevOps Starter

To build quick demo for “Release Gate” with condition from Azure Board, Azure Monitor and SonarQube

  1. DevOps Starter ” .NET Core -> App Service ”
  2. Add SonarQube in “build” Pipeline
  3. Add Release ” UAT” Stage (Then, we have Dev & UAT)
  4. Add “Pre-deployment approvals”
  5. Add “Pre-deployment Gates” ” Query work items”
    Azure DevOps -> Boards -> Queries -> Active Bugs -> … -> Security -> ReleaseGate Build Service(myOrg) -> Read ( Allow )
  6. Add “monitoring” gate in “Dev” Stage
  7. Add Agentless Job in Tasks( manual Intervention )
  8. Add ” Post-deployment approvals” Gate “Query Azure Monitor Alerts”
  9. Add ” Post-deployment approvals” Gate “Invoke REST API:POST”

#URL suffix:

#success critirial:

Sample of Canary releases (ref: What are deployment patterns? – Learn | Microsoft Docs )

DevTest and DevOps for microservice solutions


See Also:
