AKS Private Cluster, kubenet, UDR, and Azure Firewall
This configuration will be covered the following requirement: Creating AKS Private Cluster with Azure CLI Sample output Related Error Messages: The following is “Error messages” when AKS Node unable to access ACR The following is “Error message” when creating AKS cluster but $IDENTITY_ID doesn’t have permission to create entry in route table (UDR) – Additional…
AKS – Private Cluster and PostgreSQL
Sample CLI: * Creating ” AKS – Private Cluster with v-net peering ” https://github.com/fujute/m18h/blob/master/aks/private-aks-with-vnet-peering.sh * Creating AKS with ” Bring your own subnet and route table with kubenet”https://github.com/fujute/m18h/blob/master/aks/private-aks-byo-subnet.sh See Also
Terraform: Create Virtual Network Peering and VMs
Sample “Virtual network peering” with 2 VMs with terraform deployment TF file: https://github.com/fujute/m18h/tree/master/tf/virtual-network-peering main.tf variables.tf Building VNET peering with terraform Sample screenshot to access fx1-vm1 in fx1-network1 via jump host fx1-vm2 delete the deployment with terraform destroy Optional Tasks: Adding Private Endpoint for Azure Blob Storage and Private DNS Zone Reference command:
DevOps: Azure DevOps Release Gate (Query work items, SonarQube, Azure monitor)
A Sample of “Azure DevOps Release Gate ” the Gates with the following items Software infra: Based on ” Controlling Deployments using Release Gates | Azure DevOps Hands-on-Labs (azuredevopslabs.com) ” and ” Managing technical debt with SonarQube and Azure DevOps | Azure DevOps Hands-on-Labs (azuredevopslabs.com) ” Hint: Azure DevOps Release Gate with Azure DevOps Starter…