Monthly Archives: May 2022

Deploy an ASP.NET Core and Azure SQL Database app to Azure App Service with Bicep,CLI and VS Code

Deploy software infrastructure with Bicep ( more details can be found from

// based on
az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=23ExampleRG --location "eastasia"
az deployment group create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=23ExampleRG --template-file 01-main-web-app-sqldb.bicep  --parameters sqlAdministratorLogin='azuresqladmin' sqlAdministratorLoginPassword='MYSECRTEPASSWORD' location='eastasia'

Deploy sample ASP.NET Core Application to App Service with VS code


git clone
cd msdocs-app-service-sqldb-dotnetcore
dotnet build .
dotnet publish -c Release
#Right-click on the generated publish folder in the Visual Studio Code explorer and #select Deploy to Web App.

Update database connection string and create database table with entity framework core


az sql db show-connection-string \
    --client \
    --name sampledb \
    --server $
az webapp config connection-string set \
    -t SQLServer \
    --settings MyDbConnection="Server=tcp:$,1433;Database=sampledb;User ID=azuresqladmin;Password='MYSECRETPASSWORD';Encrypt=true;Connection Timeout=30;"

# az sql server firewall-rule create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --server $ --name LocalAccess --start-ip-address <your-ip> --end-ip-address <your-ip>

# Change database connection string in "appsettings.json" 
#"ConnectionStrings": {
#    "MyDbConnection": "Server=tcp:$,1433;
#        Initial Catalog=sampledb;
#        Persist Security Info=False;
#        User ID=azuresqladmin;Password=MYSECRETPASSWORD;
#        Encrypt=True;
#        TrustServerCertificate=False;"
# }
# create database table in target database
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-ef
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreat --project DotNetCoreSqlDb
dotnet ef database update --project DotNetCoreSqlDb

Access web app logs and delete resources group

az webapp log config \
    --web-server-logging 'filesystem' \
    --name $APP_SERVICE_NAME \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
az webapp log tail \
    --name $APP_SERVICE_NAME \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME

az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME

Azure App Service and Bicep

List of sample deployments of Azure App Service with various scenario by using Bicep

  • Azure App service with Blob
  • Azure App Service + SQLDB + App Insight
  • Azure App Service (Webapp + private endpoint (WebApp and SQL Server) + VNET integration.
  • Application Gateway (private and public listeners) -> Azure App Service (via PE) -> SQL Server (via PE)

Azure App service with Blob:

az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP--location westus3
az deployment group create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --template-file main.bicep --parameters environmentType=nonprod

az deployment group list --output table

Azure App Service + SQLDB + App Insight :

az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location westus3
az deployment group create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --template-file 01-main-web-app-sqldb.bicep  --parameters sqlAdministratorLogin='azuresqladmin' sqlAdministratorLoginPassword='PLEASECHANGEtoSECRETPASSWORD' location='westus3'

Azure App Service (Webapp + private endpoint (WebApp and SQL Server) + VNET integration:
Deploys two web apps (frontend and backend) and SQL Server securely connected together with VNet integration (webAppFrontend) and Private Endpoint(webAppBackend,SQLServer)
m18h/02-main-webapp-pe-vnet-integration.bicep at master ยท fujute/m18h (

az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP--location westus3
az deployment group create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP--template-file 02-main-webapp-pe-vnet-integration.bicep \
--parameters virtualNetworkName='m6290cvnet' sqlAdministratorLoginPassword='PLEASECHANGETOSECUREPASSWORD'


Integrate your app with an Azure virtual network


picture: Regional virtual network integration

Application Gateway integration: Integration with App Service (multi-tenant)

Continue reading Azure App Service and Bicep

Dynamically create and use a persistent volume with Azure Files in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

How to dynamically create an Azure Files share for use by multiple pods in an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster

This sample has been tested with ” AKS, Azure File, PV,PVC, Deployment, Multi-Container ”

Sample file can be accessed from at “

az aks get-credentials --admin --name MyManagedCluster --resource-group MyResourceGroup
kubectl apply -f storageclass-and-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f fuju-nginx-azfile.yaml

kubectl get pod

kubectl exec fuju-nginx-azfile-5c55fddc9f-6tgk  -c 1st-c -- /bin/cat /usr/share/nginx/html/index2.html
kubectl exec fuju-nginx-azfile-5c55fddc9f-6tgk6 -c 1st-c -- /bin/cat /mnt/config-1st/my-config-file.txt
kubectl exec fuju-nginx-azfile-5c55fddc9f-6tgk6 -c 2nd-c -- /bin/cat /mnt/config-2nd/my-config-file.txt