Azure Discovery day in Bangkok
รายการข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจจากงานสัมนา Azure Discovery day ( 7-Nov-2014 ) MVA ( Microsoft Virtual Academy ) เรียนฟรี Microsoft Azure Courses แบบ Online List of MVA in Thai ( http://www.fuju.org/?cat=61 ) Networking Fundamentals [บรรยายไทย] Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Websites [บรรยายไทย] Security Fundamentals [บรรยายไทย] Azure Pass Redeeming Redeeming Azure Monetary Credit ( Step-by-Step guide ) Free EBook ( ภาษาไทย ) ฟรี…
Learning Microsoft Office Tips&Tricks from Dr Nitin Paranjape
What I found , still have a lot of hidden helpful function inside Microsoft Office ,20 Feb 2014. This is the recording from 2-hours evening meeting with Dr Nitin Paranjape , Thanks for recording and sharing this. Learning Microsoft Office Tips&Tricks from Dr Nitin Paranjape
We Speak Code
#wespeakcode The Hour of Code is Here Learn how to code , It’s easy, fun and you can do it for free with one of our free tools below. Start right now! See also: http://www.wespeakcode.net/ http://code.org/employees/microsoft
Azure Active Directory Synchronization Services (AAD Sync)
Azure Active Directory Synchronization Services (AAD Sync)http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn790204.aspx
OneDrive delivers unlimited cloud storage to Office 365 subscribers
Mobile Device management for Office 365
Resources for 22-Oct Labs
Update for the .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft® Virtual Machine Converter (MVMC) is a Microsoft-supported, stand-alone solution for the information technology (IT) pro or solution provider who wants to convert virtual machines and disks from VMware hosts to Hyper-V® hosts and Microsoft Azure™.…
Redeeming Azure Monetary Credit
ขั้นตอนการ redeem This Azure Pass offer provides the following:* $100 USD monthly credit to Microsoft Azure (converted to local currency)* 1 month duration ( offer details ) 1. Go to http://www.microsoftazurepass.com . Select your country ( Thailand ) , type in the provided promo code and click “Submit.” 2. Sign into a Microsoft account* to…
Installing .NET 3.51 Windows Server 2012 R2 on Azure
Update for the .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2 http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/3005628
การย้าย Azure VM ข้าม Region
บทความตัวอย่างการย้าย VM ข้าม Regionhttp://blogs.msdn.com/b/amol/archive/2014/03/21/how-to-migrate-windows-azure-vm-from-one-region-to-another.aspx รายละเอียดของคำสั่ง AzCopy http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-use-azcopy/ See Also:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/jj157206.aspx